1940 Jan 22 Monday 12:00 - I swore I'd get that V. quizz finished + didn't... If I'd only get things done! - Maybe I'd be a bit more happy - Everything I do enjoy a little bit is gnawed by the knowledge I "should" be doing something else -
1941 Jan 21 Well whadya know I was the gal who was going to bed at 7:30 tonight. It is now 2:00 Freddie took me to Antler's Club Dance - Bang! Now I can't figure out if he will call again or not - after what happened. And just what I should do -
1942 THURS Gee it's been a long time, baby. Makes it even better, though when we wait for it... We went to Me + My Gal. It's a nice + warm feeling to feel sure of you... I'm glad we were together because that horrible letter from Emil -