1939 11:30 I'm rather upset. I can't can't tell whether I'm being sincere or just cheap -
1940 Bill came over + we went for a walk; he asked me if I thought I could ever be happy without knowing impt people and living on "enough" - ! ! ? ? - We bought penny candy -
1941 Well the tuition party is over, thank goodness! And it's FRIDAY... (Hope I don't waste tomorrow just waiting for Dennis to call)
1942 Sat 2:00 Just got a "special" from Virginia + read it in bed. She's swell. It was sweet of Wilber to take me out tonight. Saw King's Raw w/ D.J. this aft. we met Legend on the street!
1943 Sun 1:10 Peggy + I went to Presbyterian Church this morning, came back for breakfast, I dissipated the afternoon walking by the river, talking to Midshipmen. We went to Flight for Freedom. It's Balmy out. We got ice cream + finished up the cookies